Disclaimer and Release of Liability
This website, corporation that owns it, and the people that are employed by it and for it, can not, and will not, give installation advice about electrical fixtures. We can only give advice of design as it pertains to style and aesthetic.
We are not electricians. We will never claim to be. We advise you, the buyer or representative of the buyer of our product to consult a licensed electrician in your state or jurisdiction prior to attempting to install any items we have sold. We further advise you, the buyer, or representative of the buyer, to consult with a licensed electrician in your state or jurisdiction prior to removing any existing electrical items in your home or domicile.
If you need technical assistance with your fixtures, please kindly contact Kichler directly at 866-558-5706, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET, Monday-Friday.
If your items are delivered to you and are damaged in transit, or are damaged while in your possession, and you, or someone near you injures themselves on a damaged item or because of a damaged item, we are not liable to pay compensation to you beyond replacement of the said fixture. We are not liable for installation costs, removal costs, renovation or remediation due to misuse, negligence, or incorrect installation of any items sold to you by us. For example, if you break a glass component of a fixture, and cut yourself, we advise you to seek medical attention. Your injury is not our liability. Items that have glass, metal, plastic, screws, nails, fasteners, connectors, moving parts, or wires, or components of said glass, metal, plastic, screws, nails, fasteners, connectors, moving parts, or wires can harm or cause injury if not handled with care.
Furthermore, we strongly recommend you supervise and protect people who are not capable to handle items purchased form our website safety such as any non-adult, or adult who has disability or disabilities that can prevent them from using sound judgement to handle and use items on our website correctly.
By purchasing any item from our website you are excusing us from any liability related to any item sold to you from our website for the life of the item. Any product liability claim should be directed to the manufacturer. Any installation claim should be directed to the electrician or electrical service that installed the item or items in question.
If you need help with selecting the right fixture, an existing order, or questions about an item, we can and will do our best to help you.
Call us at 855-827-3700